This site includes about 172,628 people from more than 68,900 familes, covering more than 8,190 surnames. Over 5,080 sources and 552,070 citations provide details on the lines of TEMPLEs. This web site includes 290 trees containing 25 or more people, with 7 of these containing more than 1,400 people each. Those 290 trees comprise over 115,200 of the total number of individuals on this web site. The largest of the North American familes is the line of the original immigrant of 1636, Abraham Temple of Salem, MA, (See Name Origin and the Provenance of Abraham below) and includes almost 69,000 individuals.
As with any web site on genealogy, there are undoubtedly errors here - but every effort has been made to minimize these. So - please enjoy your time on the web site - and use the information to guide your own research, but verify, verify, verify with the best available records. As with any research project, there are caveats which a serious researcher should know and heed. If you do find errors, let me know and these will be fixed.
Many thanks to all the TEMPLE cousins and researchers who have contributed - this is hardly my own work, and would not be possible without the help of all. I have tried very hard to ensure all sources of information used are identified and peole given credit for their work. Please respect that, and if you use information found here, please cite the web page.
Dr. L. Parker Temple III
(A descendant of Abraham Temple of Salem)
Want to know if your surname is in the database? Enter here. This is an alphabetical listing of all the Surnames. Find the first letter of the last name (Surname), and that will take you to a full listing of all surnames in the database under that letter. That listing, then, will take you to the given names for each surname. First time or infrequent visitors will find this is probably the best place to start.
This skips past the surname listing Surname List (above). If you already know a surname is in the database, this indexed listing goes right to both the given and surnames of all those in the database. This section is recommended only for those who have visited before.
A wealth of partial information - who knows, maybe the TEMPLE, TEMPLES, or TEMPEL you are looking for is here - but right now, the sources have only identified them by their last name. Also included is a list of given names for whom I don't have surnames, but they are related to TEMPLE surnames and variations This is all I know at present, but you might find that one fact you have needed to solve a problem.
Trace the superscript numbers to find out where any fact came from. You might find a lead for even more information. For ease of loading, each section of 10,000 is divided into 1,000 citation increments.
To facilitate your research, this list includes all the repositories holding the sources cited. These are the places and sites used to create TEMPLE & RELATED LINES IN AMERICA. The repositories are where you can follow the same path as I have and may find more information to meet your specific interests.
The section is not linked to any citations, but provides over 4,700 sources used. Listed by title in alphabetic order, this listing should be useful for researchers of allied and related lines.
The most important TEMPLE-related sources listed in the Bibliography (above) are described and assessed. If you are new to TEMPLE genealogy research, you need to be familiar with these sources. The data from these, updated and corrected by the other sources, formed the core of the TEMPLE & RELATED LINES IN AMERICA database.
There are an awful lot of Richards, Williams, Marys, Elizabeths and other common names - but which one is the one you want? If you have a sense of the dates, or something about the location, look here to see if you can find the person you are looking for, then go to the Given Names by Surname listing. If your interest is to find out what went on where, as an aid to searching various courthouses, etc., here is a good place to look - there are almost 20,700 places and over 384,700 events events included here. All of the places in TEMPLE & RELATED LINES IN AMERICA are presented here in a listing broken out alphabetically by state, locality or country.
The TEMPLE name is primarily associated with England, and to a lesser extent Scotland and Ireland (and Anglicized Germans). This section includes several views on the origin of the TEMPLE name.
TEMPLE place names are rarely named for the TEMPLE family. But, what the heck, it makes interesting reading.
Site updated twice a year
Data as of 6 Jun 2021
Webpage Updated 15 Aug 2021