Note: Due to the nature of the original sources, some events shown here may have taken place in what is now Slovakia, but this cannot be determined with any certainty.
Czech Republic at Large
bef 1886 Marriage Vasclav MARES-120193 and Marie DOSTAL-120194
1888 Birth Demeter PITZO-175723
1890 Birth Stephen (Steve) STRAMANAK-93732
6 Oct 1892 Birth Anna TEMPLE-175722
1894 Birth Antony J. ZISKA-166588
1895 Birth Mary CHRUINSKY-93733
1895 Birth Paul TEMPEL-146566
1902 Birth Jeannette TEMPLE-144235
Birth DURKOS-130832
Birth John KROPACEK-172971
Birth Vincencie -172972
Czech Republic, Prague
16 Jan 1847 Birth Barbara SEBECK-79747
2 Jun 1886 Birth Emilie B. MARES-120191
9 May 1929 Birth Susan (Susee) WEIL-165258
2 Dec 1847 Birth Mary E. OSBURN-13701
1865 Birth Mary -153168
1873 Birth May -129238
25 Feb 1899 Birth Marie MARTINEK-117944
Birth Frank OSBURN-13704
Birth William J. BENDA-47145
Birth Anna LEV-47146
Marriage Frank OSBURN-13704 and Annie SCANHILL-13705