Home Surname List Name Index Sources | TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Mary HENINGTON-134610. Mary HENINGTON and TEMPLES were married before 1872. Children were: Johnie TEMPLES-134613. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Malvina -134897. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Eva -135082. Eva and TEMPLES were married before 1920. They were divorced before 1920.2586 TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Lutitia -135131. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Violet Wilma (Wilma) DALTON-135687. Violet Wilma (Wilma) DALTON and TEMPLES were married about January 1951.22288 TEMPLES (private). Children were: Walter TEMPLES-136318, Lavatore TEMPLES-136323. TEMPLES was born in AL.6018 Spouse: KINCAID-136622. KINCAID and TEMPLES were married before 1926. Children were: Anna B. TEMPLES-136623. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Possibly related to Green B. Temple of Lauderdale Co., TN. Spouse: Delilah -138659. Delilah and TEMPLES were married before 1836. Children were: Nancy L. TEMPLE-130222, Jane TEMPLES-138660. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: UNKNOWN-138846. Children were: William M. TEMPLES-138847. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Lucinda -138878. Children were: Willis TEMPLES-138879. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: UNKNOWN-139244. Children were: William TEMPLES-139245, Frank TEMPLES-139246. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Evaline -140144. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Louise MERRIMAN-140668. Children were: Emma S. TEMPLES-140669. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Tracy L. TEMPLES-140671. Children were: Hannah Alexis TEMPLES-140672. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Mary EATON-140675. Children were: Mary E. TEMPLES-140676, Patricia TEMPLES-140677. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Ella BRYANT-140679. Children were: Victoria TEMPLES-140680. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: EATON-140682. Children were: William A. TEMPLES-140683. TEMPLES (private).16651 Spouse: UNKNOWN-140838. Children were: Dreana TEMPLES-140839, Ann TEMPLES-140840, May TEMPLES-140841. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Amanda -141352. Amanda and TEMPLES were married before 1862. Children were: Mackie TEMPLES-141350. TEMPLES (private).6350 Spouse: P.A. -141355. Children were: W.A. TEMPLES-141356. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: UNKNOWN-141397. Children were: Martha TEMPLES-141398, Sarah F. TEMPLES-141399. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Volusia O. -141411. Children were: Mary F. TEMPLES-141409. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: UNKNOWN-142062. Children were: William TEMPLES-142063, Thomas TEMPLES-142064, John TEMPLES-142065, Jacob TEMPLES-142066, Anna TEMPLES-142067. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Margaret S. -142411. Margaret S. and TEMPLES were married before 1945. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Elizabeth -143816. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Emeline -144185. Children were: Emily TEMPLES-144188, George J. TEMPLES-144189, Mary TEMPLES-144190, Martha TEMPLES-135196. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: UNKNOWN-144211. Children were: James TEMPLES-133630, TEMPLES-144212. TEMPLES (private). Parents: TEMPLES-144210 and UNKNOWN-144211. Spouse: UNKNOWN-144213. Children were: Richard TEMPLES-133639. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Oma -144426. Oma and TEMPLES were married before 1898. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: James Gustis MERCHANT Sr.-144474. TEMPLES and James Gustis MERCHANT Sr. were married before 1857. Children were: James Gustis MERCHANT Jr.-144475. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Barbara Jean (Bonnie) WALKER-144488. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Halley -149752. Halley and TEMPLES were married before 1903. Children were: Rosa (Rosey) TEMPLES-149749. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Mary A. REDDING-150825. Mary A. REDDING and TEMPLES were married about 1868. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Ageline -151062. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Ruby HICKS-151217. TEMPLES (private). Parents: Charles Abrey TEMPLES-151550 and Ann Marie ROCK-151551. Spouse: RAEL-151553. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Margaret -151760. Children were: John TEMPLES-151761, Jacqueline TEMPLES-151762. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Reba Jean MC ALISTER-152820. TEMPLES (private).38016 Parents: Ray TEMPLES Jr.-152821 and UNKNOWN-152826. TEMPLES was born (date unknown). Spouse: Elizabeth -153134. Elizabeth and TEMPLES were married about 1857. Children were: Willie TEMPLES-153135. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Nell -154304. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Lula Guilford HUGHES-155664. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Nellie Thelma THOMPSON-137054. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Sybol O. -155845. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Doris Julia ALLEN-155859. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Carolyn BYRUM-155931. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Susan Ann -156409. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Patti HALLIGAN-156646. Children were: Rhonda TEMPLES-156647. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Emily BAILEY-157323. Children were: Charles O'Neal TEMPLES-157325. TEMPLES (private). Spouse: Mary E. -156289. |